I don't have anything really good to publish this week.
On one hand I do have some entertaining writings in the kiln for the readers of this blog; but I am having trouble reconciling the cathartic experience of journaling my observations and making sure that the public disclosure of those observations do not have an impact on my personal life or result in my incarceration. Plus I found that putting my writings in the kiln turns them into soot and ash and thus we must rework our distribution model over here at Truth. However I do have here the beginnings of what I am sure will turn out to be a reoccurring series along with "My Interview With Matt Lauer" and "Deleted Scenes From Terminator 2." It is called "Shitty Emo Poetry From High School." I am slightly embarrassed to put this online, but I figured my readers might get a kick out of it.
So, do enjoy:
Who'd have thought it'd go this way?
The birds fly north this winter
Metal bat gives a splinter
The moon comes out at noon today
Like you, how was I to know?
A holiday in August
A pacifist with blood lust
Solid as a rock, more likely to grow.

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