President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama.

The Only Thing Better Than Victory Will Be Success

It's not hard to think highly of John McCain, especially when he is as gracious and high-minded in defeat as he was last night.

I know that Barack Obama wants to usher in an era of unity and healing, but it's important that we never forget that Barack Obama is the president-elect DESPITE the fact that the McCain campaign promoted fear, xenophobia and racism because he believed that peoples ignorance was the margin of victory.

John McCain deserved to lose, and today is a good day because of that.

In the coming months, watch for John McCain distance himself from his conduct during the financial crisis, Sarah Palin, and the assertions that Barack Obama was too black, too shady, and too much of a secret terrorist to be President.

While McCain deserved to lose, Barack Obama deserved to win. That makes today a great day, and because he won, I have faith that many more are ahead.

Barack Obama changed how campaigns are run and he has set a new standard for 21st Century Presidential candidates. Obama brought progressive politics into the mainstream by making his case to Middle America. His policies are a huge departure from the status quo, and he has inspired us and prepared us for the Change We Need.

Not everyone voted for Obama, but I have a feeling that deep in the hearts of many that they are rooting for him to do a good job.

I have supported Barack Obama's campaign for president ever since hinted that he might be interested running back in October 2006 on Meet The Press. The only thing better than seeing him win will be watching him succeed.

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