France Gave Us The Statue Of Liberty After WWII
And Other Crazy Things Palin Supporters Believe
Note: I encourage everyone to take a look at Sarah Palin's fan page on Facebook™ It's quite a freak show. My posts have been removed and I am banned from making further comments on her wall.
Republicans hate Free Speech, so you should go write something antagonistic and degrading on her wall right now. Make sure you do a screen capture, because they will remove it from the board within a couple minutes. If you send it to I will post it on TheTruth.
Best of luck!
Palin Supporter: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door" This is the inscription written on the Statue of Liberty which was given to us by France, after we liberated that country. Think about this for a minute. Where else will the people of the world go if America becomes just like the country they are trying to escape?"
McSaddle: You sound about as smart as Sarah Palin.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to celebrate the 100 year anniversary that the Declaration Of Independence was signed. You know, when THEY helped liberate us from Britain, not when the Allies liberated France in WWII. Maybe do a fact check next time?
The "huddled masses" poem, or "The New Colossus" was added years later to celebrate America's history of immigration. Also, it's not written on the outside of the statue, it's on the inside.
You should know that the Huddled Masses get a better deal in France, where they are secure in their economic well being and everyone has access to world class health care. The food is pretty good too.
None of this matters, because you come off as someone who calls french fries "Freedom Fries", who cheers on the Minute Men, and who purports that looking after the poor and sick is the same as socialism.
How many people in France go bankrupt because they can't pay for their medical needs versus that United States?
Sarah Palin: Clearly not a thinking person's candidate.

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