The McSaddle Daiquiri
I don't know many folks who don't like summer time. Show me one and I will throw a strong drink right in their goddamn face. What I really want to talk about though are the drinks that are too good to throw in anyones face.
Last summer, I gave you recipes for the Redneck Sunrise and the Mennonite Lemonade. I never posted a recipe for the McSaddle Daiquiri, which comes as kind of a surprise to me. I wondered what the heat, humidity, fatigue, workplace irritation, and persistent inebriation had done to me.
Why wouldn't I share this recipe with the world? I think that my readers deserve all the good things I can impart upon them. Especially since they check this blog regularly, often to find little more than pedantic contrived bullshit. Honestly though, I feel as though my poetry has developed.
So, here it is. More such recipes will follow because I think the drink recipe genre is one worth developing. Also, I am working on short fiction so there will be fewer poems and essays.
Feel free to compare and contrast the McSaddle Daiquiri and the Hemingway Daiquiri and make erroneous inferences about that it says about the two men.
McSaddle Daiquiri (For Two)
- 8 shots of Bacardi Coco Coconut Rum
- 2 Cans of Strawberry-Lime Jones Soda
- A large lime
Mixing instructions:
Shaker: (Recommended)
- Fill your shaker 40% to the top with large ice cubes. (The larger the ice, the slower it melts)
- Add rum. (Fresh out of the freezer)
- Add a quarter of a lime's worth of juice.
- Add Jones Soda
- Shake It All About
- Rim a good glass with a with a wedge of lime, and garnish.
- Pour.
- Drink
- Enjoy
- Stumble
- Apologize
- Repeat.
- Add the rum, ice cold and fresh from the freezer.
- Add the lime juice, about a quarter-lime worth.
- You want a good amount of ice. Add 6 or so cubes at a time and crush them with with the rum and juice on a low setting. Doing it on too high of a setting will give you an unusable ice-sludge that will melt too quickly and give you a weak drink.
- Add the Jones Soda and stir it into the pitcher. DO NOT turn on the blender after adding the Soda, it will foam up and give you the mess of a lifetime!
- Rim a good glass with a lime wedge and garnish.
- Pour.
- Drink
- Enjoy
- Stumble
- Apologize
- Repeat.
This is best consumed in proximity to hot sand and in view of a cool, cleansing coastline.
The Hemingway Daquri
- 1 1/2 oz Light Rum
- 1/4 oz Maraschino liqueur
- 3/4 oz Lime juice
- 1/4 oz Grapefruit juice
Mixing instructions:
Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Ernie H. had an economy of words and also his drinks had an economy of process and adornment. I clearly, do not. I still love him.
April 18, 2008 at 8:19 AM
Excellent post- but where's the post-drink instructions on Hemingway's drink? I was thinking it might go: drink, stumble, describe everything in short, terse, non-emotional prose, fight a longshoreman, drink, break a wine bottle on a hobo, drink, fight a horse, apologize to nobody because I looked into the gaping maw of death and felt the sweet stink of his breath on my cheek while dying of dysentary in a ditch in Spain during WWI, repeat.